NOVEMBER 14, 2023




Kudos to all for another successful JAM on 11/14! Together our efforts are really making waves.
MUSIC:  Your Best Days Yet by Bishop Paul S. Morton

Tonight, GoGi started the J.A.M. with a motivational message about appreciating the present and future, rather than dwelling solely on past accomplishments. Participants were encouraged to believe that their best days are yet to come and to embrace this mindset.

Check-in Question
Participants answered the question, “What did you overlook before being targeted that you now appreciate more?” Some responses were as follows:

– C mentioned a new appreciation for privacy.

– A lady from Virginia expressed missing the freedom to talk to anyone without fear.

– D from Arizona mentioned missing his freedom.

– S from Oregon talked about missing waking up feeling good and conquering the world.

– M from Buffalo, New York, shared her realization about the value of locking her doors and leaving her phone untouched.

– R  from Connecticut discussed looking forward to having others believing in him again.

– R from California highlighted her new understanding of the program’s home break-ins as opposed to blaming her children for misplaced items.

 Special Guest Speaker Trey on Nikki Haley:
Trey, an influencer with a large social media following, talked about Nikki Haley, a former governor of South Carolina and presidential candidate. He focused on her experiences in China, particularly her observations of the use of neural strike weapons by the Chinese police and the CCP. Trey emphasized Haley’s aim to expose these issues in her presidential campaign.

News and Updates:
Various topics were discussed in detail:

-First update was on VA medical records being sold for $0.12 per record, including sensitive personal info. Researcher bought records for nearly 5,000 active duty military members. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/06/politics/data-of-military-personnel-for-sale-online

-Discussed new “Anomalous Health Incident” assessment tool to evaluate Havana syndrome cases, though still limited to government personnel. Two doctors diagnose civilians with it.

-Government Weaponization: Pentagon representative acknowledged using directed energy weapons against enemies when questioned.

-Senator Chuck Schumer tried to sneak Section 702 reauthorization into a bill, but civil liberties groups caught it. Vote expected this week.  https://www.wired.com/story/section-702-surveillance-reauthorization-privacy-letter/

-Tranquility read an article regarding the California Department of Justice’s declaration that out-of-state sharing of license plate data is unlawful, emphasizing government overreach and privacy concerns.

-Trump warned about FBI targeting Catholics, referencing leaked FBI memo.

-Played a video about an  app that pays rewards for anonymous neighborhood watch reporting. Compared to gangstalking.

J.A.M.  Initiative Updates

*NEW* Protect Privacy: Stop MARS Project Abuse!  We’re initiating a campaign to address concerns about the MARS project, akin to the controversial TSDB. Our goal is to distribute cease and desist letters to organizations, urging them to respect individuals’ rights and privacy by refraining from using the MARS list against them. Join us to protect civil liberties and promote responsible handling of sensitive information. If you’re interested in participating, please send an email to thejusticeactionmeeting@proton.me.

Congressional Outreach Initiative: GoGi provided an update on the ongoing letter writing campaign to all 535 members of Congress opposing reauthorization of Section 702 surveillance powers. Sister Samia is leading this initiative, which has a goal of 100 letters sent per week split among 5 volunteers, until all 535 letters are completed. So far about 200 letters have been sent. Follow-up phone calls are also being made to offices. 

Cell Tower Deweaponization initiative: Betty Doo and Jolin are spearheading FCC-certified trainings for TIs to investigate whether local cell towers have been weaponized for electronic harassment purposes. The third and final training session will take place soon. Participants should be taking photos and submitting location/violation evidence about towers near their homes. 

Business Establishment Letter Campaign: Major P is facilitating this campaign to send informational letters about targeting to major corporations and business leaders across the country before “foot soldiers” begin conducting in-person distribution in December. Those helping with fax/email distribution received updated target lists from Major P this week. 

Clergy Forum Initiative: Plans were outlined for the first virtual clergy forum in December focused on educating spiritual leaders about targeting. Sister Betty will handle invites and promotion. TIs were invited to submit their church names and contacts to be included. 

J.A.M. Pet Initiative: Protecting Our Pets – Documenting and Advocating Against Targeted Animal Abuse:   Listeners were encouraged to continue documenting pet abuse cases related to targeting, including photos and videos. This evidence will be sent to animal rights groups to raise awareness and seek accountability for such attacks. The initiative aims to demonstrate the reality and severity of these incidents, urging action against them. Send info to: Thejusticeactionmeeting@proton.me


Have an upcoming surgery or procedure? Then this to-do item is for you.

Targeted Justice has prepared a medical disclosure letter to help address any concerns regarding medical implants before a procedure. Presenting this letter to your healthcare providers could help protect your privacy and ensure your rights are respected. While TJ isn’t a licensed legal or medical organization, obtaining their document is suggested as a precaution. As with any medical matter, consulting a trusted doctor remains important too.   Use this link to access the letter:


-Sign and share the new petition created by the J.A.M. against renewing FISA Section 702 absent major reforms.

Click HERE To Sign & Learn More

– Sign and share the neuro-rights petition to institute protections around brain data.


 -Register with Targeted Justice (TJ) to have your name looked up in the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) for potential inclusion in subcategories 3 and 4. This will authorize TJ to examine your records in the TSDB if access is granted by the courts through discovery.


– Sign up for the TI rally happening  in New Orleans.


– Continue to spread awareness about targeting by sharing lawsuit information and  GoGi’s new book “GoGi’s 10 Signs Which Indicate You’re A Targeted Individual”  Digital download on Etsy:  https://targetedjustice.etsy.com/listing/1569552814

-Explore and participate in other conference calls and events listed on TI events.https://tievents.org/

-Stay positive and hopeful, focusing on the community’s shared goal of ending targeting.

– Continue to contact YOUR SENATORS about targeting using the template letters below.

-Click to Open in Microsoft Word

-Click the red link below to open in PDF