TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2023


Thank you for making 7/18/23 one of the best J.A.M.s Ev-er! We did the JAM thing guys!!

Music: Work To Do, The Isley Bros

J.A.M. started as GoGi shared a motivational message about “eating the elephant”, one bite at a time.

First time on ZOOM for the J.A.M. and simultaneously on the call. We faced some glitches – thanks for hanging in there!!

We reviewed Current Events and the status of the Business Establishment Roll-out.

Special thanks to Attorney Ana for joining in to initiate the Cell Tower Initiative – quite an informative and captivating session.

HOMEWORK: Research the cell towers within a .5 radius of your work/home/school. Visit the site, take photos. Note the owner of the tower and/or building; write and send a letter WEDNESDAY – July 26, 2023 using the template posted on the Targeted Justice website or here at TI EVENTS.

Business Establishment Letter: The Research has been completed for Fitness Centers, Animal Advocates, Auto Repair, Car Dealerships, Hotel and Vacation Chains. Boots on the Ground – stand by. Faxes – up next.

We are TIA. Many have signed up to WORK! It’s not too late to join BOOTS in the TIA, please email thejusticeactionmeeting@proton.me