Thank you for making 10/17/23 one of the best JAMS Ever!

MUSIC:  Free by Deniece Williams

GoGi jumpstarted this week’s J.A.M. with a warm welcome, subsequently touching upon the trials of her past week, calling all us war heroes who deserve a purple heart.

– Attendees were asked what they would consider satisfactory compensation beyond monetary damages. Responses included seeing perpetrators held accountable, free lifetime healthcare, reversal of internal damage from directed energy weapons, receiving all documentation related to their targeting, incarceration of perpetrators to prevent reoccurrence, making a documentary to raise awareness, adding a curriculum to the educational system about the Targeted Individual government experimentation program and regaining lost time with loved ones.  

– Current news related to targeted individuals was discussed:

– A UN expert proposing bans on certain weapons/devices used for torture, including some directed energy weapons.  

– Fusion centers tracking and targeting individuals – this shows the need to increase public awareness of their activities.

– Efforts to prevent reauthorization of Section 702 of FISA, which allows warrantless government surveillance and has been abused.

– A potential lawsuit related to V2K attacks, seeking engineer logs/records.

– Ongoing initiatives like business establishment letters, Senate letters, cell tower audits, church outreach, and documenting pet targeting were reviewed. Volunteers are needed to assist with faxing letters.

-Lindsay emphasized the significance of detailed journaling, particularly when it comes to V2K, including the importance of recording the emotions experienced during the assaults.

– Affidavits documenting experiences are encouraged and should be notarized.

– An update was given on the pending lawsuit and awaiting confirmation of a court date, potentially before Thanksgiving.

Overall, the meeting encompassed important discussions on current news, ongoing initiatives, journaling, and legal updates. Attendees had the opportunity to share their perspectives, collaborate, and stay informed about the ongoing efforts in support of our community.


– Continue daily journaling with specifics on dates, times, locations, emotions.

– Complete a notarized affidavit detailing your experiences.

– Send Privacy Act FOIA requests; follow up with appeals. (View detailed instructions below)

– Volunteer to help fax business establishment letters.

– Assist with cell tower audits and documentation.

– Send information on pet targeting experiences to: Thejusticeactionmeeting@proton.me

– Sign up for lawsuit https://www.targetedjustice.com/register.html
and upcoming rally if possible https://tievents.org/the-t-j-courthouse-rally/.

– Share informative flyers and “GoGi’s 10 Signs Which Indicate You’re A Targeted Individual” book to raise awareness.  Digital download on Etsy:  https://targetedjustice.etsy.com/listing/1569552814

– Focus on self-care and staying encouraged that freedom is coming!

Reach out to senators by utilizing the letter templates provided below.

-Click to Open in Microsoft Word

-Click the red link below to open in PDF


FOIA/Privacy Act Request-Instructions For Submission

1. FBI – online submission (takes around 5 minutes to complete) via their eFOIPA page.

2. Department of Homeland Security – online submission, email, fax or mail

  • Email: Send your FOIA request via email to foia@hq.dhs.gov
  • Fax: Fax your FOIA request to the DHS FOIA office at 202-343-1743
  • Mail: Mail your FOIA request to:

FOIA Officer
The Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
245 Murray Drive SW
Washington, D.C. 20528-0655

Be sure to include as much detail as possible about the records you are requesting, including time frames, specific DHS components, and any other relevant information. The DHS FOIA website has tips and sample language to assist with drafting a complete FOIA request.

3. Department of Justice – must be signed & submitted in writing via U.S. Mail – details below

For a wealth of additional FOIA request details and valuable resources, we recommend visiting the Targeted Justice website through the following link: https://www.targetedjustice.com/new-foia-activism.html