Action Item: Contact Senators Using Provided Template Letters

Are you committed to defending the rights of innocent citizens and opposing unfair government actions? We want to draw your attention to an advocacy effort by GoGi’s After Dinner J.A.M., a campaign that we support wholeheartedly.

This initiative addresses the pressing issue of innocent individuals being wrongfully included in the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB). GoGi’s After Dinner J.A.M. has crafted a letter template that we can all use to voice our concerns to our senators.

We strongly encourage you to join us in this fight for justice. Personalize the letter with your details, lending your unique voice to this cause. Our collective effort is key in championing the rights of those unjustly targeted. Let’s unite to make our voices heard and support this crucial cause. Together, we can bring about change and ensure our rights are respected.

💌 Access the Letter Templates Below 💌

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